SCExAO is the acronym for the "Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics", a project that is currently being assembled in the Subaru Telescope main base, in beautiful Hilo HI. It is a system that will enable the Subaru Telescope to take direct images of extrasolar planets and disks in the direct vicinity of neighbor stars!
The project website has been online since June 2009, and our group tries to keep it updated with pictures of the project, scientific publications and the like.
Why decide on writing a blog about the project? That is a good question... do we really need a reason to start one? The fact that blogs are just cool (who does not read blogs these days, eh?) should be enough of a justification. But the real motivation is that we think we are doing some pretty cool stuff with the project, and we want to try and share it with as many people as possible, and maybe give science and research a friendlier, warmer face!
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