Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Python-based GUI version 2!!

I have to say I am pretty proud of this new version of the GUI! Still written in Python, with the Tkinter module, it makes extensive use of graphic elements (the Canvas class), and shows a schematic, but somewhat accurate, outline of the instrument... much more intuitive than the array of buttons of version 1 (see previous post). The GUI design is actually inspired from the one that controls the PHARO camera at the 200" Hale Telescope of Palomar Observatory, which I have used multiple times.

This time, driving optics in and out of the beam also moves boxes in the interface, which gives a good idea of where we're at, without having to think too much about the "guts" of the experiment. If one chooses one of the internal sources (visible or IR laser diode) instead of the tip tilt mirror, the left side focusing beam disappears and the color of the beam changes according to the wavelength.

The possibility of adjusting each of the IN/OUT position is left out of the main window (in an ideal world, the need for adjustment should really be minimal). To adjust, each element, one needs to access the TWEAK menu. On the picture, two were pulled out: depending on the degrees of freedom the mechanics offers (which can be up to five!), the TWEAK menu offers a variable number of controls.

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